Jami Taylor

Just starting to plan her future, Jami is about to start college studying graphic design. She’s always ready for a new adventure. With a celebrated scientist/inventor for a father and a world-traveling interior designer for a mother, she has a lot to live up to, but she might have a greater destiny than she ever imagined…

Stealth Hammer

After an act of sabotage by her uncle and a bit of destiny, Jami found herself with incredible superpowers. She has fists that strike with the power of sledgehammers, and she can turn invisible. This, however, is just the start of what she will discover. Jami has a long journey ahead as the hero Stealth Hammer!

Dr. Everett Taylor

Dr. Everett has always worked hard to improve things for the benefit of humankind. He wants a world that is safe for his family from any dangers that may be out there. When his daughter, Jami, finds herself with superpowers, he suddenly realizes that a dark part of their family’s legacy may have returned to threaten them all.

Ari the Elf

Traveling overseas from Iceland, Ari the Elf was sent on a special mission by the Goddess Aurora. He’s here to help Jami on her quest to become the hero she needs to be. He’s a bit snarky at times, but give him some strawberry milk and suddenly all is right with the world.


W.A.T.T.S. stands for Work Assistant & Tactical Tech Service, which is a fancy way of saying she helps Jami with chores and provides guidance on the next logical steps to solve a problem. WATTS is the most pleasant robot companion you could hope to have, and she has a few secrets hidden under that metal shell when aid is needed.

Goddess Aurora

The Goddess Aurora leads the Council of Elders, a mystical group of mythological beings from all over the world. Their goal is to protect the planet from the dark forces that threaten to take it over. The Goddess’ current focus is to help Stealth Hammer on her path to becoming the hero this world needs.

Gerome Hunts

The CEO of the company Ouroboros, Gerome Hunts is not one to accept failure from those who work under him. Along with running the mega-company, he also is the right-hand man for Jormungund, the dark mythical entity determined to rule the world and destroy the Taylor family legacy.

Dr. Alexander Taylor

Dr. Alexander has always been jealous of his younger brother Everett. He believes that everything Everett has worked for and earned should have been rightfully his instead. Thoughts like that can drive a person mad and compel them to do things others wouldn’t dream of, like putting one’s own niece in danger.


One of Gerome Hunts’ agents, Szhansi is sent out on sensitive missions that require abilities no normal person would possess. Szhansi approaches her work with a playful, though sadistic, nature. She uses her special skills to manipulate those around her to get what she needs.


The very definition of the strong, silent type, Grubb is another agent working for Gerome Hunts. He’s not one for small talk, but send him on a mission and it is highly unlikely he will fail. There’s more to this behemoth of a man who tackles problems head on…if he even is human.


Marzanna is the Polish deity of death. She represents long, cold winters, and her arrival always brings fear. She has agreed to work with Gerome Hunts on his mission because it suits her own goals. If you hear her chilling whistle in the distance, we recommend running in the opposite direction.

Kyle Wilson

He can be awkward and clumsy at times, but Kyle works through it with a good sense of humor. Kyle is the one Jami can confide in when times seem to be their toughest. He never dreamed that going to meet his girlfriend’s father would launch him into a world-spanning adventure with the fate of the planet in the balance.

Harold Fredericks

Mr. Fredericks can be a grouchy neighbor, but you would be grouchy too if half of your house was destroyed due to the experiments of Dr. Everett. Mr. Fredericks may be at his wits’ end when it comes to the Taylor family, but he still cares about Jami’s well-being under his gruff exterior.


The unconditional love of a dog is undeniable, and no one could love Jami more than her pup, Hana. Always eager to greet anyone and make new friends as they come in the door, Hana watches over the Taylor home with her keen senses…when she’s not snoozing in her bed of course.