Original drawing of wife Jami Drost as superhero Stealth Hammer

Art by Eric Matos

The Origin

Walt Disney was known for saying, “It all started with a Mouse.” In the creation of Stealth Hammer, I guess you could say, “It all started with a nickname.” That really was the beginning of the world you’ll find on this site.

My wife, Jami, earned the nickname of Stealth Hammer through various career positions she held over the years. We always said it would make for a fun superhero name. We talked about what powers she would have and who she was.

A few years ago, I had an artist draw Jami as this fabled superhero that lived only in our imaginations. That original drawing is what you see on this page.

Once I saw the character realized, my mind immediately started flooding with ideas. How did she get her powers? Who was her family? Who were her enemies? What was her purpose? With every question, answers started popping into my head. I could not write them down fast enough.

In the months ahead, I found inspiration for supporting characters, challenges she would face, places she would travel, and ultimately her destiny. I was world building. Along this journey I was blessed to find amazingly talented people who would join me. You’ll get to learn about these creators as we grow the site.

We’ll continue to make this a fun place to revisit to learn more about the characters, behind-the-scenes insights, and Stealth Hammer news updates. I hope you enjoy the journey!

-Ryan Drost

Cover A image from Stealth Hammer #1 comic transitioning black and white to final color piece

Art by Joel Jackson; Colors by Ross Hughes